Welcome to the lovely month of March, I hope this month is finding you healthy and discovering those precious moments of peace that we are all so deserving of. I don’t know what part of the world you are reading this, but where I am it has been a cold winter. I have been spending a lot of time wrapped in warm blankets, drinking copious amounts of tea and getting lost in my own thoughts…and of course those the animals share as well!
Early every morning, my dog Masha and I walk. Over the winter months we walked in frigid temps, icy winds, snow, rain and crisp beautiful clear skies. These walks are a necessary part of our day, not just because Masha does not have a private yard but because nature takes that opportunity to remind me of the encouraging power it has on us, if we simply just look and listen.
While we are beginning the journey into Spring, I wanted to share some of the beautiful gifts we had on those cold winter morning walks…
The sunrises - I always take a moment to honor them. To appreciate the reminder that there is beauty in every new day. How we are inspired by that beautiful orange pinkish glow is up to us.
I hear birds - what a joyous reminder that life is still thriving even on the coldest days. Their song is a reminder that I can not let the excuse of winter slow me down.
Masha’s sheer joy at sniffing the wet winter grass and finding that perfect place to roll in it - numerous times after she is done rolling, she looks at me and simply says “I love who I am and doing what I do”. She reminds me, don’t forget to embrace what makes me happy and to find joy in the simplest of things.
The teeniest of blooms on the trees - they remind me to tend to my own garden, not just the plants that fill my home, but the teeny sprouts growing within me. I need to nurture them, water them and shine all the light on them that I possibly can. We have so many thoughts and ideas just waiting to bloom!
Numerous times over the winter months I saw a beautiful fox that lives in the woods behind my house. Over the years I have seen him periodically, but during the coldest months of winter he seemed to make it a point to cross my path more times than I can count. So one day, I tuned into him and asked if he had something he wanted to share.
Here is what he told me - maybe his words are something you are needing to hear as well!
- You must leave your den to explore, to live. Do not retreat so far inward that we forget we are all a little wild at heart
- Sleep when you need sleep, when awake, move with confidence and observe everything. Always remember to embrace who you are on all your journeys, never falter from the path taking you where you know you need to go.
- Foxes are habitual, we learn what is around us, we make paths and learn our way. When an obstacle arises we adapt with habits that empower us on what we seek.. It is our sharp mind and our belief in ourselves, that is how we succeed.
With all that said - don’t forget that while on these never ending conversations with nature that I find myself in, alongside me is one of my greatest teachers, my dog. Regardless of who your animal companion is, know that they are beside you and cheering you on every day.
Be well my friend and enjoy these last weeks of Winter and prepare to welcome in the blossoms of Spring! Blooming is coming!
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